Saturday, October 25, 2014

*SIMPLE* DIY Baby Wipes (Cloth OR Disposable!)

Some people think I am absolutely CRAZY for making my own baby wipes...I mean who has time for that?? Well, we all do actually. When I realized how incredibly easy it could be I started that day with ingredients I already had around the house.

I was reading up on cloth diaper wipe solutions and found one that resonated with me:
1 tsp of Baby Castile Soap or other non-toxic baby wash - to remove waste from baby's bum
1 Tbsp of olive oil - moisturizing, antibacterial and prevents future waste from sticking to baby
2 drops each of Young Living Lavender and Melaleuca essential oils
      Lavender is great for calming inflamed skin and relaxation;
      Melaleuca is a calming antimicrobial
      * I only trust my family with Young Living essential oils because of their exceptional
      quality standards  (learn more here)
Mix all ingredients into a squirt bottle (most everyone I know received one after having our babies) and shake to mix.

I was exclusively cloth diapering at the time so I poured the solution over my wipes in a wipe warmer and continued to do so for months until I traveled home for a couple of weeks and wanted to use disposables. I am NOT a fan of commercial wipes and the toxic ingredients in them, even the "natural" brands, so I decided to bring my solution in a squirt bottle and use paper towels - SO simple.  I've found that you definitely need to use a high-quality paper towel such as bounty because bargain brands typically do not hold up, believe me I've tried ;). I just tear a select-a-size towel off, give the bottle a shake and  wet the towel with the wipe solution. That's IT.  I hope you are inspired to give this simple swap a try. Let me know how it works for you!

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